FAQ Health check

Will my data remain private?

Your employer partners with Lifeguard to help employees increase their vitality. The information from the Health Check is secured by Lifeguard according to our privacy statement which in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your personal details will not be passed on to your employer and only your personal coach has access to your data. Only the anonymised total results for groups of more than 15 people will be provided as feedback to your employer. Lifeguard also uses the collected data, once anonymised, for scientific research. This data cannot be traced back to the individual and is stored in a well-secured database.

What is the purpose of the questionnaires?

We use the questionnaires to measure the relationship between your health and your work. The questionnaires provide the coach with a better insight into your personal situation. It allows the coach to give a more personal and relevant consultation. It takes about 25 minutes to complete the questionnaires.

What is measured?


  • Lifestyle
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Workplace

Physical Tests:

Please note that the following list comprises a range of possible physical tests that we may choose to include in the Health Check:

  • Height, weight, and waist circumference
  • Blood pressure and heart rate
  • Cholesterol
  • Glucose / blood sugar (finger prick)
  • HRV-measurement (heart rate variability)

No urine or blood tests are done. The exact selection of physical tests will be communicated to you in a subsequent email.

How do I prepare for this?

Fill in the questionnaires and for the Health Check we advise you to:

  • Not drink any coffee or tea or eat within 1 hour prior
  • You don’t have to wear sport clothes, your regular clothes will fit

Please be on time for the Health Check!

What happens after the Health Check?

This depends mostly on you. How are you going to use the health coach’s advice?

When the research has been finalised, your employer will receive a report on the aggregated insights. This report will not contain individual data, nor will it be able to be traced back to the individual.

What are the benefits of undergoing these assessments?

There are several benefits to participating in the Health Check, including:

  • Self-Awareness: You will gain insights into your current health and fitness status.
  • Early Detection: Potential health issues or conditions can be detected early, allowing for effective prevention and treatment.
  • Personal Growth: It’s an opportunity for personal growth and self-care, helping you set and achieve fitness goals.
  • Overall Well-being: Maintaining good health contributes to your overall well-being, both in your personal life and potential future career opportunities.

Lifeguard’s privacy statement in brief:

Lifeguard collects your personal data, such as name (email)address, date of birth and data about your perceived health and vitality. This information is used to give you personal feedback and provide you insight into your own health and vitality. Lifeguard also tracks how many people participate in the vitality checks to give your employer insight into the overall participation rate.

  • Lifeguard will not process data without your consent. This means that we will not collect data if you have not given permission for this by checking the “I give Lifeguard permission to process my personal information as described in this privacy statement” box on the login screen.
  • Data is treated in the strictest confidence under the confidentiality agreement.
  • You can change your personal details on the website at any time.
  • Lifeguard will remove your personal data from the database upon request.

Additional information about Lifeguard’s privacy statement and disclaimer can be requested from the project team.

How can I reach out for further information or assistance?

We encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or require assistance. You can contact us through the following methods:

  • Email: For general inquiries, you can email us at info@lifeguard.nl
  • Phone: If you prefer to speak with a representative, please call our main office at 030-2400638

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